New York Silent Dance Party Rentals

Do you want to host a great dance party, with no concern for following noise ordinances, differing musical tastes, or your guests not having to shout over the music? At Silent Activities, we offer a solution that can take your outing to the next level…ask us about our New York silent dance party rentals!

We bring a new wireless headphone technology to your party, enabling your guests to choose their favorite style of music, play it at whatever volume they like, and socialize and speak with other guests anytime, simply by taking off the headphones.

Silent Dance Parties are one of our most requested events…your guests can choose from multiple styles of music, with as many as three DJs competing for listeners. Musical styles are designated by the color lit on the headphones, so your guests can see what other guests are hearing.

But best of all, you and your guests won’t have to worry about keeping the neighbors awake, obeying noise ordinances, or having the police show up and end the party prematurely. Have your party go as late as you like, whether it’s indoors or out!

Think of the possibilities of your party with guests wearing wireless headphones to enjoy the music. You can host a corporate event, a bar or bat mitzvah celebration, even movie showings and speaking engagements. Guests can speak to and hear each other without leaving the party, and anytime you need to make an announcement or speak, everyone can hear you through their headphones.

We also make sure your equipment works throughout the party, with tech support either on site or just a phone call away.

Get Started Planning Your New York Silent Dance Party Today!

Let Silent Activities revolutionize your dance party and turn it into a memorable one for all…reach out to us today and request a quote, and tell us what you’re looking for. We’ll be delighted to tell you more about our New York silent dance party rentals, and how they’ll be ideal for your upcoming event!

Have a look at some of the parties we’ve enhanced with our wireless headphone technology on our Instagram page!